Like unprotected vaginal sex, unprotected anal sex is high-risk for many sexually transmitted infections, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, hepatitis, intestinal parasites, HIV, HPV, and syphilis. Use latex or internal condoms during anal intercourse to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections. Use Sheer Glyde dams or other plastic barriers to reduce the risk of infection when having other kinds of anal sex.
What is with the male fascination with heterosexual anal sex, anyway? Men seem to fantasize obsessively about it, hundreds of porn movies fetishize it, and while women everywhere debate whether they should or shouldn't have it with their boyfriend or husband, men discuss how to convince female partners to give it a try. When women do have anal sex, the overwhelming majority do so at the request of their male partner.
woman love anal sex
Heterosexual anal sex has been around for millennia. Paintings and etchings from Japan, China, and Europe all depict men performing anal sex on women, as do ancient erotic drawings, sculptures, and pottery from the Mediterranean and South America. In some Polynesian cultures, anal sex was practiced explicitly as a means of birth control. Today, some adolescents regard anal sex as a means to prevent conception, regardless of the increased risk for transmission of sexually transmitted diseases.
Over the past decades, heterosexual anal sex rates have climbed. In the 1950s, anal sex experience was reported by fewer than 15 percent of the population. But current rates suggest that around a third of men have performed anal sex on a woman, and slightly fewer women report having received anal sex. The rates are even higher in sexually active adults in their twenties.
But for married and committed couples, for whom disease and pregnancy may not be a significant concern, how can we explain the prevalence of the male fascination with anal sex? Men are sexually interested by variety, but aside from this, there is no relevant evolutionary argument, as anal sex of course produces no heirs.
Anal sex, and a desire for it, serve different purposes for men. The strongest and most common argument that men voice is that a woman who will engage in anal sex is inherently arousing. Such a woman embraces it with no intent or possible result of pregnancy: It is sex at its rawest. For a man, anal sex with a woman is her allowing him to play Star Trek, and venture into uncharted territory. Even if it is not a case of going where no man has gone before, it is still novel, uncommon, and even special in its rarity. A woman engaging in anal sex shows her desire and willingness to have sex in a purely physical way, with no thought of pregnancy. She is embracing, to some degree, a willingness to make her body a sexual object. Some research suggests that women who engage in anal sex report having more orgasms, not necessarily during anal sex alone, but in their overall levels of sexual activity. The overall conclusions are that women who are willing to engage in anal sex tend to be more adventurous, more sensual, more relaxed in bed, and thus, more orgasmic.
The degree of pain in anal sex is a mixed issue. In some relationships where bondage and discipline factors play a role, the pain a woman might experience in anal sex is part of the allure. In other couples, men and women work carefully to decrease any pain, using lubricants and preparation to increase comfort and pleasure for both parties. This special attention to preparation serves as an intense, extended form of foreplay, heightening excitement, extending the sexuality and sensuousness of the encounter, and, not incidentally, increasing the chances that the woman will have an orgasm.
In many relationships, anal sex is perceived as a type of "gift" from the woman, given out of love and regard, and a desire to give her partner something special and rare. When a woman is willing to engage in anal sex with a lover, it usually comes from a place of significant trust and love.
Some people perceive a man having anal sex with a woman as a form of dominance, in which the man is "having every part of her body." This "flavor" of dominance, and misogyny, plays out in the current (disturbing) porn phenomena of "A** to Mouth," in which a man puts his penis in the mouth of a woman after performing anal sex on her. However, in most porn, female characters are portrayed as fantasy women who are always ready, always hot, always excited, and always willing. Another way of viewing this is that the actresses are expressing and displaying their willingness to violate any and all taboos, no matter how "distasteful," primarily because of how aroused they have become, rather than as an expression of female degradation.
Surprisingly large numbers of people don't regard anal sex as actual sex. Some studies suggest that as many as 19 percent of college students view anal sex as less intimate, less committed, and less important than vaginal sex.
Men overwhelmingly report positive experiences following performing anal sex on a female partner. But more than half of women who have had receptive anal sex describe it as an unpleasant experience they probably wouldn't repeat.
Not necessarily. There is no evidence that once a couple fulfills one fantasy or desire, a burning desire emerges for another. In fact, substantial evidence suggests that most people with one kink or another fixate on that one and rarely expand. Even for those couples that have had anal sex, it usually remains a rarity, thus retaining its "specialness."
During anal sex, the penis (or dildo, or whatever) is inserted into the anus, past the external and internal sphincter muscles, and into the rectum. The rectum is connected to the sigmoid colon, which is where poop is collected and stored by your body before you are ready to take a poop.
Anal sex is exactly what it sounds like. The stereotypical idea that only gay men enjoy having anal sex, is simply not true. People of all genders and sexual orientations can enjoy anal sex. But, anal sex may feel different to people with different bodies.
Anal sex feels different for people with or without a prostate. Prostate stimulation can add an extra layer of pleasure to the process. But, those without prostates can still find that anal sex will feel good due to the nerve endings in the area.
Some women absolutely enjoy anal sex. And, some women do not. And some have mixed feelings. In one survey of 2000 adults, roughly 37% of women endorsed having had anal sex with an opposite sex partner.
Enjoyable anal sex involves a bit of prep work. Be ready to use lots of lube to make sure the person on the bottom is not injured. Ideally, anal training in advance is ideal, using fingers, beads, or butt plugs for anal stimulation, so that anal sex with a penis or larger dildo/vibrator is as easy as possible. It is best to go slow, so the receiving partner can adjust to the sensation and gauge their limits. Like with any form of sex, if it begins to hurt (and pain is not your thing), stop.
Contrary to what you may see in porn, it is generally not recommended to go from anal penetration to vaginal penetration, without washing genitals and/or props. Going from back to front can spread bacteria and lead to urinary tract infections.
Anal play can also be psychologically arousing. Because anal sex for women is still somewhat of a societal taboo, the thought of breaking that taboo provides excitement for many. Then there is the dynamic of dominance and submission. The idea of giving over all parts of their body to a partner can be a huge mental turn on. Still, other women like to play anally and vaginally at the same time because they imagine being penetrated by more than one person (and many enjoy the actual experience too).
Since the anus is full of mucous membranes and much more likely to tear than the vagina, the risk of HIV transmission through anal sex for women is higher. There are two ways to protect yourself against HIV transmission via both anal and vaginal sex:
Another aspect of anal pleasure and health is to make sure the anus is fully warmed up before engaging in any kind of penetration. This means using lube to massage the opening of the anus until it is relaxed. Warm up prevents tearing and infection.
Finally, make sure that anything you are inserting into the anus has been thoroughly cleaned or sterilized. Any sex toy you purchase includes safe cleaning instructions which you should follow before and after use. Make sure to also wash your hands and penis thoroughly before engaging in anal sex with a woman.
For some people (both men and women), anal sex is one of their deepest desires. Yet it is also an incredibly delicate topic. If you want to talk to your partner about having anal sex and are worried about how they might react, it can be helpful to discuss it in the presence of a sex coach. A sex coach can alleviate fears and misconceptions as well as talk you through all of the different options for anal play.
According to the same study, women who participate in anal sex are more likely to be irreligious, and married or living with a partner. They are also more likely to have engaged in sex with other women, to have started engaging in sexual activity before the age of 16, and to have experienced an unintended pregnancy.2
The featured header image shows a woman in her underwear in a suggestive position on a bed. The white squiggles around her body indicate physical pleasure, while the moody tones and colours inside the image symbolise the societal taboo element of anal sex 2ff7e9595c